Posts Tagged ‘family’
Managing Holiday Stress
About 1/3 of people expect to be more stressed this holiday season than in past years. This is due in part to inflation, world events, fractured family relations and loneliness.…
Read MoreParental Alienation and Domestic Violence: What Gets Lost in the Fog?
Children reject the alienated parent in an effort to remain attached and loyal to the alienating parent out of fear, love, or confusion. The child concludes that it’s not safe for them to love both parents. In survival mode, they denigrate and reject one, while idealizing and supporting the other.
Read MoreA Reflection on the Rise of Abuse During the Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic may be the cause for a rise in child abuse and domestic violence. Stressors that add up may cause a someone to strike out at those they love most. This is called situation specific abuse-the kind we hope we are all immune to.
Read MoreThe Plight of Immigrant Families and Individuals
My heart goes out to immigrant population wherever you are. There are so many things you all deal with in this country. In the process of acculturation and inculturation, you all have great struggles.
Read MoreParental Alienation: A Conversation
Fountain Hill Center therapists Randy Flood and Ben Burgess recently sat down with Grand Rapids-based family law attorneys Connie Thacker and Allison Sleight to discuss parental alienation. Parental alienation is…
Read MoreFountain Hill Works to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month For the last 35 years, April has been a time for communities all across the country to work on increasing awareness of child…
Read MoreOutsourcing Emotional Labor
No, outsourcing emotional labor is not some geo-political strategy by corporations to improve profits. This is a reality that women have been aware of for a long time. Simply put,…
Read MoreTips for Dealing with Trauma During the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be especially difficult for folks who are grieving or who have experienced trauma. Gail Johnson has some tips for how to regain a sense of calm…
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