Randy Flood
Children & AdolescentsCouples Counseling
Court Services
Individual Counseling
Credentials and Licenses
Therapist Email
Randy Flood is credentialed as a Limited Licensed Psychologist and holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology who has been practicing since 1992, and at the Fountain Hill Center since 2000. Randy provides forensic counseling and evaluative services in Fountain Hill Center’s Court-Related Collaborative Services Team as well as being the co-founder and director of the Men’s Resource Center of West Michigan.
Randy is often sought out for family court-related services including evaluations, coaching, expert consultation, and testimony. He has been admitted as an expert in several Michigan Courts to provide expert opinion on his areas of expertise or in his role as a forensic counselor or evaluator. He provides non-testifying expert consultation to attorneys and coaching to litigants. He is known for his expertise in providing evaluations and counseling for individuals and families experiencing custody and parenting time problems. He offers forensic counseling and evaluative services where issues such as domestic violence, parental alienation, sexual acting out, or substance abuse has been alleged or identified in families, particularly when reject and refuse dynamics in parent child contact problems are present. Randy’s guiding principle is to be an impartial, truth-seeking evaluator who uses proper forensic protocols to arrive upon recommendations that pursue the best interests of children. He approaches custody and parenting time evaluations with multiple hypotheses, pursuing important information from various data sources including direct assessment interviews with family members and collateral sources as well as gathering data from psychological testing and collateral documentation submitted by parents and attorneys. Rather than approach an evaluation with a confirmatory bias, he works to have the data inform his conclusions and recommendations and communicates those in thorough, timely, and readable reports.
Randy also provides criminal court-related services including risk and typology assessments for domestic violence and sexual misconduct. He is available for coaching/counseling for defendants and as well as consultation for defense attorneys.
Court-Related Services:
- Testifying and Non-testifying Expert Consultation for complex cases
- Coaching for litigants and defendants
- Parent-Child Reunification Counseling in cases of parent-child estrangement and/or parental alienation.
- Parenting Coordination to assist divorced parents in effective co-parenting.
- Parenting Capacity Assessments for parents in custody and parenting time disputes.
- Psychological Evaluations/Risk Assessments for mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, etc.
- Custody and Parenting Time Evaluations
- Reject and Refuse Dynamics in Parent Child Contact Problems Evaluations
- Therapeutic Supervised Parent Coaching
- Substance Abuse Assessments
- Court-Related Counseling
At the Men’s Resource Center of West Michigan, Randy currently serves as Director and is the principal therapist in providing individual counseling and group psychotherapy for men. He has developed specialized programming for men who struggle with issues such as anger management, domestic abuse, and sex addiction.
Whether providing group counseling, counseling for couples, or individual counseling for women, men, and boys, Randy champions a holistic approach. He designs his counseling services to meet an individual’s, or couple’s needs and circumstances, continually evolving his practice in a way that provides clients the opportunity for healing and growth in a safe and secure environment. He understands that it takes courage to leave the security of the familiar patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving in order to seek new ways of living. He considers it a privilege to sit with individuals one-on-one and in groups while they share their pain, joy, fears, and passions along the road to wellness—renewed mental, emotional, and relational health.
Group Therapy Services:
- Men’s General Therapy Group
- In Person and Online Domestic Abuse Counseling
- Sex Addiction Group Counseling
Presentations and Workshops:
Randy provides consultation and training for counseling agencies, schools, faith communities, and professional organizations on his specialty areas such as men’s issues, domestic abuse, sex and porn addiction, custody and parenting time issues, parental alienation vs. estrangement, etc.
The Altogether Boys program helps boys and young men develop healthy masculinities including robust emotional and relational intelligence. This programming for schools and youth programs helps participants find the courage to develop their masculine identities while hanging on to their humanity. They learn to tackle tough situations, have the strength to be sensitive to complex issues, and the intelligence to build strong friendships.
Specialty Services:
- Co-therapy in men’s therapy groups with female therapists Mary Jo Drueke, and Steff Condon, as well as transformational somatic therapy with Ken Porter
- Court-Related Evaluations with Associate Zach Flood
- Couples counseling to help individuals understand and thrive in the art of love and intimacy
- Coaching and Counseling for Targeted/Rejected Parents experiencing Parental Alienation
- Individual counseling for clients experiencing relationship problems due to issues such as poor self-management, emotional awareness, and relational deficits.
- Psycho-educational programming for men related to domestic abuse, anger management, sexual addiction, and fathering.
- Psychological evaluations to assess parenting fitness, domestic abuse, anger, sexual acting out, parental alienation, and custody and parenting time arrangements.
- Organizational Misconduct Evaluations, Consultation, and Counseling to assist employers and leaders in managing complicated employee and staff misconduct.
- “Revealing Men” Conversations that pull back the curtain and reveal the inner lives of men. The podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play, etc.
- “Stop Hurting the Woman You Love; Breaking the Cycle of Abusive Behavior” (Hazelden, 2006).
- “Mascupathy: Understanding and Healing the Malaise of American Masculinity” (2014).
- “The Readers Double Standard” featured in Voice Male: The Untold Story of Pro-Feminist Men ‘s Movement (Interlink, 2014)
- “Five Traits That Drives Men’s Lives” featured in Voice Male: The Untold Story of Pro-Feminist Men‘s Movement (Interlink, 2014)
- “Mascupathy” featured in Masculinities in Contemporary Culture—An Intersectional Approach to the Complexities and Challenges of Male Identity (Routledge 2017)
- Articles related to his specialty areas.
Randy Flood’s full Curriculum Vita (CV) is available upon request