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Disclaimer - Court Related Collaborative Services
As forensic counseling and evaluative specialists, we seek to work collaboratively with mental health and legal professionals in an effort to pursue healthy and safe familial relationships and the best interests of children. While we are hopeful that our forensic counseling and evaluative services can provide healing, accountability, insights, and direction for families, we are well aware of the inherent risks for some individuals and parents to become disheartened, disgruntled, or even to feel victimized. This can result in complaints, licensing investigations, and the spread of misinformation. We understand this result but realize that observers and consumers of mental health services may not. Nonetheless, we assume said risks while following the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) Guidelines for Court Involved Therapy and Evaluations.
Intern With Us!
Interning at the Fountain Hill Center offers a valuable opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of mental health and counseling while contributing to the center's mission of promoting personal growth and social change.